
Monday, 31 May 2021

Rand Paul: The science proves people with natural immunity should skip COVID vaccines


In this Sept. 26, 2018, file photo Sen. Rand Paul Leaves a meeting of Senate Republicans with Vice President Mike Pence on Capitol Hill in Washington. Jacquelyn Martin, AP

It’s long past time for us to say no more to the science deniers. It’s time for us to stand up to Washington bureaucrats who think you’re not smart enough to make your own decisions. These petty tyrants in government and their enablers in the media always think they know best. If you have no proof that people who acquired natural immunity are getting or transmitting the disease in real numbers, then perhaps you should just be quiet.

There's No Conflict Between Profit and "Social Responsibility"

The slogan People over Profits once again is being heard in Washington and elsewhere in the country. This time, however, the sloganeering doesn’t come from Jane Fonda or Bernie Sanders but rather from business sources themselves. « These modernized principles reflect the business community’s unwavering commitment to continue to push for an economy that serves all Americans». «This new statement better reflects the way corporations can and should operate today,» added Alex Gorsky, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Johnson & Johnson and Chair of the Business Roundtable Corporate Governance Committee.

Yes, we'll all probably need a coronavirus booster shot. But which one?

A study will examine whether people who received two doses of the Moderna coronavirus vaccine could get a booster shot made by a different company. (Mike Blake/Reuters)

«As we know, covid is not going to go away anytime soon, and we know that the antibodies decrease over time, so that a boost will be needed at some juncture. I can’t predict when,» said John Beigel, associate director for clinical research in the Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Beigel is working on a U. trial, set to launch this week, that will provide one piece of the answer, testing whether people can mix and match shots when the need arises.

Sunday, 30 May 2021

Rand Paul Warns America: Time to 'Wake Up' to 'Profound Repercussions' of Biden's Spending Binge


Custom Image By FEE | Image Credit PixaBay, Gage Skidmore

There is a time in which people wake up and say ‘’the emperor has no clothes’’.

Five Ugly Truths About Critical Race Theory

 «The defining question is whether the discrimination is creating equity or inequity. If discrimination is creating equity, then it is antiracist. If discrimination is creating inequity, then it is racist. The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination.

The Fed Monetized More Than Half the Massive Federal Pandemic Debt


The US government continues to run massive budget deficits. That means it has to sell bonds to finance the debt. The Federal Reserve is buying a lot of them as it continues to monetize the ever-growing federal debt. Between March 2020 and March 2021, the central bank monetized more than half of the massive pandemic debt.

Tuesday, 25 May 2021

Children's Risk Of Serious Illness From COVID-19 Is As Low As It Is For The Flu


For children, the risk of serious consequences from COVID-19 is the same magnitude as the risk they face from the flu. But for parents, experts say, it’s a matter of perspective

Paul Offit, who heads the vaccine education center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, says that the new mask guidance is mostly good news. «But I think that has made this world a little less safe for young children,» he says. Even a vaccinated parent can occasionally get infected with the coronavirus. There’s also a small risk that the virus can pass to an unvaccinated child.

A New Study Confirms That Reopening Texas '100 Percent' Had No Discernible Impact on COVID-19 Cases or Deaths


Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (Gage Skidmore/Flickr)

After Texas became the first state to eliminate both its face mask mandate and its business occupancy limits in early March, President Joe Biden said the decision reflected «Neanderthal thinking.» Gilberto Hinojosa, chairman of the Texas Democratic Party, described Gov. Anthony Fauci, Biden’s top COVID-19 adviser, said lifting mask mandates «is really quite risky,» because «when you pull back on measures of public health, invariably you’ve seen a surge» in cases and deaths.

Rex Murphy: Justin Trudeau takes a knee to the 'nation' of Quebec


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau poses for photos during Fete Nationale festivities on June 24, 2016, in Ste. Therese, Que. PHOTO BY RYAN REMIORZ/THE CANADIAN PRESS

Quebec can unilaterally alter the Canadian Constitution, the prime minister says. Especially around Quebec’s Bill 96 and the attempt to unilaterally alter the Canadian Constitution. After the bill’s introduction in the Quebec legislature, Prime Minister Trudeau almost breathlessly announced that it was «perfectly legitimate» for one province to alter the Constitution of the entire nation. In particular that Quebec, which did not sign the Constitution Act, is nonetheless endowed with the singular privilege of the power to amend it.

Friday, 21 May 2021

Jack M. Mintz: The inflation tax is back. Americans have been hit first but soon we'll be feeling it too

If current trends continue for the rest of the year, 2021 inflation could hit 6.6 per cent. For an American earning the average per capita income of US$60,000, that is equivalent to a tax hike of US$3,715 this year alone. PHOTO BY FRANCESCA VOLPI/BLOOMBERG

The tab is coming due for the eye-popping public spending of the past year

Technically Speaking: If Everyone Sees It, Is It Still A Bubble?


As Mark Hulbert noted recently, “everyone” is worrying about a “bubble” in the stock market. It plots the relative frequency of Google searches based on the term ‘stock market bubble.

'Unjustified fears': When COVID-19 anxiety stops making sense

Stittsville Golf Club, one of hundreds of Ontario golf facilities closed by provincial order. PHOTO BY TIM BAINES/POSTMEDIA

Polls keep showing that the public believes COVID-19 disease is way deadlier and more pervasive than it really is

Tuesday, 18 May 2021

Conrad Black: The climate of fear that gave way to unjustifiable environmental policies

A carbon tax is just a tax increase falsely masquerading as planetary salvation

A carbon tax is just a tax increase falsely masquerading as planetary salvation, our existence as human beings is threatened by climate change. Yet there is a great deal of learned dissent from that conclusion, and even those reports most frequently cited as evidence that the end is nigh if we don’t pull up our socks and, in the case of Canada, shut down Alberta, if read carefully, do not justify the terrifying headlines that the media normally attaches to them. President Richard Nixon, who founded the Environmental Protection Agency and 642 national parks because his parents, in his youth, were too poor to afford real vacations, so they made extensive use of state and national parks. In Canada, the Progressive Conservative party under Brian Mulroney had an enviable record in environmental matters, for which the former prime minister has been justly recognized.

Diane Francis: Trudeau is experimenting on his people - and the world is watching

This week, Ottawa doubled-down on its policy of treating the population like human guinea pigs by opening the door to mixing vaccines, writes Diane Francis. This is playing jazz with Canadian lives. PHOTO BY REUTERS/DADO RUVIC/ILLUSTRATION
This week, Ottawa doubled-down on its policy of treating the population like human guinea pigs by opening the door to mixing vaccines, writes Diane Francis. This is playing jazz with Canadian lives. PHOTO BY REUTERS/DADO RUVIC/ILLUSTRATION

 This week, Ottawa doubled-down on its policy of treating the population like human guinea pigs by opening the door to mixing vaccines.

Monday, 17 May 2021

Federal Debt and Financing the Biden Spending Proposals

The federal deficit has become a front-page issue. These deficits generate a need for more taxes, so the Treasury Secretary recently suggested an increase in corporate tax rates as a starter. Other tax hikes will be considered, but the most immediate option to obtain the funding for the planned federal spending is to sell more US sovereign debt. It’s not just that the total amount of US debt relative to income is high , but the rate of growth at the margin is accelerating.

Thursday, 6 May 2021

#MacroView: No, Bonds Aren't Overvalued. They're A Warning Sign.

#MacroView: No, Bonds Aren't Overvalued. They're A Warning Sign.

The basic premise is that overpaying for earnings today leads to lower rates of return in the future. Of course, given the flood of liquidity from global Central Banks, the overvaluation of markets is of no surprise. While Central Bank interventions boost asset prices in the short-term, there is an inherently negative impact on economic growth in the long term. At maturity, the principal gets returned to the «lender» along with the final interest payment.

Rex Murphy: We care nothing for free speech - Trudeau plan to regulate the internet is but a symptom


The YouTube app on an iPad in Baltimore on March 20, 2018. PHOTO BY PATRICK SEMANSKY /THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

Freedom of speech is not the high holy ideal it once was. Freedom of expression, the wider concept, expression as thought, speech, art, performance and protest, is likewise no longer the clear and unchallengeable central core value of our democracies. They have, alas, often been broken, but until very recent days, whenever they were violated, especially by state force, a genuine, near reflex response was outrage and condemnation. As an ideal, free expression has been ever-present as a guiding star to the proper operations of any democracy.