
Thursday, 5 July 2018

James Alexander Michie: A real fight | CNN

Author: James Alexander Michie

The commercial war between EE. UU and China are intensifying more and more. The two major economies of the world dispute a battle in which each movement is a strategy to win the same, on the part of both nations attack by hitting $ 34 billion of each one's exports with new tariffs, which can become a cycle devastating retaliation.

Likewise, this measure has already caused the destabilization of the markets and in turn, could cause damage to their results as well as much higher prices for consumers. On the other hand, President Donald Trump and his advisers argue that such tariffs are really necessary to be able to pressure China to abandon its tactical disloyal. However, China does not consider itself wrong, warning that EE. UU. tariffs they will harm foreign companies and likewise, they are willing to fight in a commercial war until the end.

Being the two main economies of the world, they are willing to fight in this fight until the end, in such a way that they could support until they see which is the strongest and which can resist more to any challenge or conflict. In the same way, this battle could cause damages in other economies, thus promoting mistrust in different companies and delaying investments.

It should be noted that due to this conflict that never seems to end, markets around the world are already shaken and frightened, but reaching an agreement acceptable to both parties is very complex, difficult and almost impossible.

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