
Thursday, 13 September 2018

Security and Prosperity for Canadians | Maxime Bernier

Author: James Alexander Michie

Nowadays the Canadian foreign policy idea to obtain objectives for anything realistic, that they focus in the image and the marketing, and intervenes inefficiently in all parts being thus a waste of the capital of the contributors.

It is possible to have a foreign policy fully grouped in the central objectives of protecting the safety and prosperity of Canadians, in which resources are not wasted in symbolic gestures that have no effect on the life of the average citizen of Canada. They care to attend world conferences in fashion cities and be photographed in the company of important foreign leaders. They worry about prestige and glamor, about the representation of Canada on the international scene, in parts of the globe where we have almost no interest.

The foreign policy of the Trudeau government is a sample of this type of policy disconnected from the interests of Canadians. It is based on the same principles as its economic policy: the more the government intervenes, the more money it spends, the more structures and programs it creates, the more publicity it gets, the better.

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