What’s news these days, a family is asking a school board to make sure the lessons ‘do not devalue, deny, or undermine… the female gender identity’. In this way, it could be considered that the combination of education and the gender identity theory go wrong.
Now, it is important to summarize and likewise make a brief explanation. And is that the daughter N of the Buffones, six years, and on her own a happy girl, was abruptly plunged into considerable anguish when she was informed by her teacher during a session on gender identity in which gender is fluid and he’s not tied to biology, and that “girls are not real” and “boys are not real.”
It should be noted that the lessons continued and so did N’s anguish, to the point of asking to see a doctor about his fears. The Buffones say in their claim that “they were concerned about the impact (on) N’s view of herself as a girl. Prior to (the teacher’s) discussions with the Grade One class, N had consistently identified as a girl and had not previously expressed uncertainty or discontent with her gender identity and biological sex. “