This quote by Samuel Adams perfectly captures the American spirit and how it will survive:
“It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.”
Let’s unpack it.
We start with the idea of majorities. Politicians love talking about majorities. They constantly manipulate people with poll after poll, always showing that government must take away liberty.
Politicians will trot out their “experts” just in case some need a little more deception in order to be convinced. But, the “majority” is the political bread and butter. If the majority says so, you’re supposed to accept it as something sacred.
Putting aside that you should pay little attention to government-approved “experts” and polls, the truth of the matter is that the majority of people are followers.
Majorities never set the direction. The majority always follows the direction that is set into motion by minorities, by the few, and often by “the fringe.”
This is not to demean anyone. Understanding this gives no permission to look down on anyone. Everyone is a part of the majority is some form or another. A person can be an absolute genius in his or her field, but a complete ignoramus when it comes to other fields.
Just because someone knows the immutable laws of physics or chemistry does not mean he knows the immutable laws of economics, or that he understands biological laws.
A man can be a multi-millionaire, or even a billionaire, and he’s still a part of the majority where he is ignorant. It is here, that others who know better, can be tempted to take advantage of that ignorance.
So everyone is a part of the majority in some sense, and majorities are followers. They can follow ideas that are good. But they can also follow ideas that are bad and harmful to themselves.
A tell-tale sign that a person is in the majority is when they resort to calling for the use of force. If you ever hear the words “there ought to be a law,” or “government should,” you’re hearing the voice of the majority.
If you happen to be the one voicing those words, it’s best that you get out of that majority. You’re only harming yourself in the end.
Good ideas never require the use of aggressive force. Never.
Source: Chris Rossini | Ron Paul Liberty Report
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