
Thursday, 26 November 2020

Conrad Black: Trudeau's 'reset' aims to revisit the failed policies of yesteryear

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

 Given this, it is clear that questions arise such as Why is Trudeau putting us to sleep with the second-year litter about regressing towards lobotomous socialism and pseudo-environmental self-impoverishment?

Notably, for more than 25 years, the Canadian federal government has endured a deepening creative policy drought. From 1963 to 1993, fueled in large part by the Quebec crisis, the federal government was admirably innovative. Likewise, Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau (1968–1979, 1980–1984) entered public life with the main objective of having the federalists defeat the separatists in the contest for the political affections of Quebec. To this end, he introduced a vast series of changes covering almost all policy areas, including major increases in transfer payments, and finally patrolled the Canadian Constitution from Great Britain.

Period of high cliché and pretexts

Now, this is the background to Trudeau’s “reboot”. It is necessary to mention that many have expressed that Trudeau is in a period of credulous and cliched altruism. And it is that no matter how benignly interpreted, its restart is the seizure of the pretext of the existence of a potentially fatal virus for the one percent of the population that can generally protect itself from it and for which it is about to be a vaccine. Certainly one could say that this is waging war on a ghost conjured up as an “existential threat”, and revisiting the British Labor Party’s policy in the 1940s of confiscating earned income and circulating it through fat bureaucracies to the people. low-income: a perfect formula for economic stagnation and increasing misery for the underprivileged. Clearly, this challenges the clearer messages of enlightened Western tax and welfare policy in the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, Germany, and many other advanced countries.

By using the tax system to incentivize job creation and trade agreements to improve competitiveness, Reagan increased annual per capita GDP growth to 4.5 percent and slashed unemployment and inflation from the stagflation figures he inherited. of President Jimmy Carter. Likewise, in the three years prior to the start of the coronavirus, the Trump administration, through tax cuts, ending illegal immigration of cheap labor and incentivizing investment in depressed “business zones”, created more jobs than cover the unemployed and drastically reduced poverty, violent crime, use of food stamps and welfare lists.

Source: Conrad Black | National Post

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