
Thursday, 24 October 2019

Conrad Black: The Trudeau Liberals' record: four years of nothing solid

Trudeau’s liberals have reached a record that is really no surprise, four years of nothing solid. Thus, it could be said that the government record has been pimping, posture, disgust, fashion and extravagance, and in fact, four more years are promised.

Certainly the key facts of this federal election campaign are that the government is not running on its registry, and it cannot and does not promise to do anything beyond maintaining a capricious attitude and professed altruism. And it is that as already mentioned, in the last four years hurriedly last week, the whole focus has focused on native, environmental and gender issues, as well as on the legalization of marijuana.

And it is that in native matters, the government has prostrated itself before the hundreds of tribes and separate bands, pretending to deal with each of them on a “nation to nation” basis, which, to the extent that it implies that it is analogous To deal with the governments of France or Japan or any sovereign country, it makes no sense. The jurisdiction of Canada is all that is within Canada and that includes all these native groups and organizations.

Retention of capricious attitudes and professed altruism

There is no doubt that it is not promising to do anything other than retain a capricious attitude and professed altruism.

In fact, there are those who have already expressed that the policies of this government have been an expensive and shameful failure.

As well as environmental policy, which has been a major and more expensive failure, although less affected by human tragedy than native politics. All favor a clean environment, but there are points where economic sense is preferable in the application in search of a perfectly quiet environment. Comfort and convenience, including most forms of transportation, heating and air conditioning in homes and workplaces, compromise an immaculate environment. The environment has become the best cause and free political lunch: everyone likes it.

Meanwhile, capitalism is the only economic system that works because it is the only one that is aligned with almost universal human ambition for more but must be adjusted to avoid financial disasters at the end of the aspirational path. The attack on capitalism in the name of saving the planet is nonsense.

Source: Conrad Black | National Post

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