
Tuesday, 28 April 2020

Rex Murphy on COVID-19: The power to censor speech and other great ideas from our Liberal overlords

It could be said that if there is something positive about this terrible plague that we are enduring, it is that from time to time, it gives the Trudeau government some really cool ideas.

Certainly, just a couple of weeks ago, the liberals came up with the idea that they should give themselves the power to tax and spend for the next two years, without having to get parliamentary approval. It was a really brilliant idea, except that it ignored the fact that approving government spending is one of Parliament’s most important functions.

Now, it is necessary to indicate that this government is openly thinking of becoming the official censor of what can and cannot be said about COVID-19.

The truth that does not come to light

It is no secret to anyone that there is already a government that has that power, and in some cases, it exercises it brutally. That is the government of the Communist Party of China. And what has he done with that power? It forbade telling the truth about the COVID-19, and instead told lies about it. Where it happened, when it happened, how it happened, and how it spread, the Chinese government confused, confused, and lied about a plague that has now hobbled the entire planet.

Undoubtedly, regarding this issue, it is clear that China is not an example to follow but quite the opposite.

The problem with the government having control over what is said and written, in addition to being an absolute contradiction of the liberal democracy, is that governments, especially in a matter like this pandemic, are simply not competent enough to know what it is right and what is really wrong.

Likewise, the government is supposed to have the capacity to pass judgments on a matter that, unquestionably, is still not fully understood by anyone. This virus is new. The investigation of its nature, transmission, the best policies to deal with it, the scope of the response, even the nature of the response, all these elements are, at best, in an incomplete and early stage of understanding.

Source: Rex Murphy | National Post

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