The Star asserts the following as «irrefutable» facts
The government of Canada has declared COVID vaccines safe. Vaccines reduce the risk of death from COVID and lower the burden on doctors and nurses holding our health care system together. When our hospital critical care units become overwhelmed with COVID care, they can no longer function to treat other diseases, injuries, and accidents. With hospitals overwhelmed, our government will mandate forced lockdowns, resulting in social isolation that has been shown to contribute to increased drug overdoses, suicides, and spousal abuse.
It is certainly true that «the government of Canada has declared COVID vaccines to be safe» but government declarations do not create reality. Lowering «the burden on doctors and nurses holding our health care system together» is something that could have, and should have, been addressed decades ago, and has little to do with COVID or with vaccines. Instead, we cherish our ideological commitment to a dysfunctional government monopoly system that serves patients poorly. The Star argues that «when our hospital critical care units become overwhelmed with COVID care, they can no longer function to treat other diseases, injuries and accidents.» The same can be said of smokers, alcoholics, drug addicts and obese people, but presumably the Star supports their freedom to make their own unhealthy lifestyle choices, and to exercise their Charter rights in a free society.
The Star acknowledges that lockdowns result in «social isolation that has been shown to contribute to increased drug overdoses, suicides and spousal abuse.» What a shame that the Star, and every other government-funded media outlet in Canada, paid so little attention to lockdown harms in 2020. COVID poses a much smaller risk to children than drowning, which claims the lives of over 50 Canadian children each year. Canadians under 70 face a greater risk of harm or death from driving in a motor vehicle than from COVID. COVID is much closer to the annual flu than to the Spanish Flu of 1918.
Government policy in the past 21 months has been based on the demonstrably false predictions of Dr. Neil Ferguson of Imperial College who put the entire world into a state of permanent fear by claiming that COVID would kill tens of millions of people, like the Spanish Flu did in 1918-20. Apart from COVID not being the unusually deadly killer that the Star and other media make it out to be, the COVID vaccine has not been subjected to any long-term safety testing. Its protection wears off after months, in contrast to other vaccines which provide permanent, life-long protection. These are only some of the reasons which make the COVID vaccine very different from vaccines against diphtheria, tetanus, polio, and other diseases.
The Star compares mandatory vaccination to mandatory conscription during the Second World War, which «put a generation of our beloved young people into battle to face certain injury and death.» But forcibly injecting Canadians with a substance that has not undergone long-term safety testing, to defend against a virus that has far more in common with the annual flu than with the Spanish Flu of 1918, is the polar opposite of what our soldiers fought and died for, which was the preservation of Canada as a free society. «The only clear path to normalcy is vaccination,» argues the Star. Rather than attempting to refute the abundant research on COVID treatments, governments instead merely repeat their tired, old assertion that «there are no treatments available, other than lockdowns and vaccines.» More significantly, the violation of our Charter right to bodily autonomy should never be accepted as part of «normalcy». In light of the fact that COVID vaccines do not stop COVID spread, there is no medical or scientific reason for governments to coerce or pressure anyone to get injected.
Declining the COVID vaccine is neither selfish nor anti-social.
Source: John Carpay | The Post Millennial
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