
Thursday, 6 January 2022

Worse Than the Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19

Omicron is a significant mutation from the original COVID virus. No way, decreed Bennett. Bennett further declared that a «paralyzing wave» of Omicron will overwhelm Israel in ten days. Said deluge will be shorter but more powerful than previous waves, he warned, and will last for eight to nine weeks.

Exactly what he bases his forecasting on, in terms of actual data, remains unclear. Angelique Coetzee, Chair of the South African Medical Association, has said repeatedly in interviews that everything about Omicron is «totally different» from previous variants. Speaking on Israeli television recently, Dr. In South Africa, As elsewhere, the vaccinated are far less likely to have severe symptoms, if any at all. A serial master at reading the public mood, Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman, has assumed the role, yet again, of proverbial bull in the china shop.

« The most dangerous virus in the world is not corona, it’s hysteria». Using his considerable leverage as a key member of an impossibly fractious governing coalition, Lieberman is refusing to consider any expanded financial supports and urges a more sober approach to managing Omicron. They have enjoyed two years of public acquiescence to the unprecedented use of unchecked power in peace-time. They have confused public compliance, up to now, with their brilliance in managing COVID, which they persist in likening, two years on, to the Bubonic Plague.

The public’s good faith has been exploited for brazen political gain. In Israel, Bennett has brought in very harsh travel restrictions, including banning non-citizens from entering the country. Left to his own devices, Bennett would also impose lockdown-style restrictions on those who are not vaccinated. Most disruptive is the policy requiring anyone who comes into contact with someone infected with Omicron to go into home isolation, which means everyone in their family must do so as well.

Another ten days. Bennett keeps digging the hole deeper. What the leaders of these countries ought to understand is that their dystopian moment is over.

Read the original article...

Source: Open Journal Systems

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