
Tuesday, 11 December 2018

Dilemma in NATO

Spanish Frigate Cristobal Colon, French Naval Ship Latouche-Tréville and Turkish Naval Ship Oruceis sail ahead of HMCS Ville De Québec while near the coast of Norway during Trident Juncture on Oct. 26, 2018. (Master Cpl. Andre Maillet/MARPAC Imaging Services)

There is an arctic dilemma of NATO and is that two visions of the Arctic collide when NATO and Russia flex their muscles.

The tensions with Russia do not cease since, in fact, they have constantly increased. That being the case, NATO has been forced to train its military forces again. This in order to face a large and well-armed opponent in northern Europe and possibly even in the Arctic. It should be noted that by the end of October and the beginning of November 2018, the alliance carried out massive war games in and around Norway. The largest NATO exercise since the end of the Cold War.

Now, NATO and Norway have to perform a good balance exercise between deterring Russia's aggressive behavior and causing a greater accumulation of Russian forces at the Norwegian and Arctic border.

Likewise, it is necessary to mention that a small Norwegian city on the Russian border is betting its future on the development of cross-border cooperation. In addition, it is becoming a vital center in a new trans-Antarctic route that connects Russia and China with Western Europe.

Meanwhile, such war games were established as the largest exercise of this kind by NATO since the end of the Cold War. The games, whose code name was Trident Juncture 2018, were extended in late October and early November and involved some 50,000 NATO troops. They were backed by some 250 aircraft, 65 ships, and up to 10,000 vehicles from the 29 NATO countries. In the same way, it covered the four theaters of war: land, sea, air, and cyberwar.

The deployment of war games

On the other hand, Cpl. Alexandre Bayard of the 5th Combat Engineers Regiment was assigned to explore possible obstacles left by the "enemy" to stop the Canadian advance.

Also, as for the games, he said serving himself a cup. Hot coffee in the lobby of the command center, "It is our job as reconnaissance engineers to make a full report of the actual minefield, to give so much information to our other engineering units so they can take care of it and create a gap in the mining field".

However, the last exit of the reconnaissance unit was not good for Canadian combat engineers, admitted Bayard. He said, "We were defeated and manned in every way possible". He added, "We had a small unarmored jeep and they had one of those big vehicles that they call Lynx, so they had a 50-caliber machine gun on top, they clearly had the advantage".

Read more.

Source: Radio Canada Internacional

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