
Tuesday, 5 March 2019

People’s Party Leader Maxime Bernier wants less federal government, more pipelines, fewer immigrants

Maxime Bernier left the Conservative Party of Canada last August to sit as an independent MP and launch a new federal party, the People’s Party of Canada. He visited The Telegram on Friday to answer questions about his views on many issues, including equalization and immigration. - Glen Whiffen

People’s Party Leader Maxime Bernier has explained his wishes for Canada. Likewise, he really wants the less federal government, more oil pipelines, and fewer immigrants.

Notably, Maxime Bernier met with the editorial committee of The Telegram on Friday afternoon to explain the party’s plans on how the federal government should function. In this way, he considers that it is time for the federal government to stop giving money to the provinces for health care. While it is necessary to begin to build pipes by all means necessary and reduce the number of immigrants who find a new home in Canada.

In addition to this, for Bernier, it is established as a priority to completely reform the equation formula. Being that currently, this province does not earn money with equalization payments, due to natural resource revenues much higher than in other provinces.

What Bernier expressed accurately

For Bernier, the conversation in Quebec is beginning to change with respect to compensation payments, which means there is an opportunity to make big changes.

Bernier also said, “The government of Quebec does not have an incentive to change its policies at the provincial level. Hydropower, for example, is not part of the equalization formula. The energy that comes from oil and gas is part of the formula. It’s not fair”. He also added, “I’m saying we should change the formula, but I’m adding that we should be less generous”.

In this way, Bernier has said that he would initiate a revision of the equalization formula to reduce it and find in such a way a way to distribute the money more equitably.

While with regard to immigration, Bernier wants fewer immigrants. However, he wants a priority for “economic immigrants”. Those who, in their opinion, are more likely to obtain immediate employment in their new home. Where for him the number of immigrants allowed by the federal government is reduced from 350,000 per year to 250,000 per year.

Source: David Maher | The Telegram

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