
Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Conrad Black: The U.K.'s 'Boris Machiavelli' can expect a big win

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson tastes whisky during an election campaign visit to Diageo's Roseisle Distillery near Elgin, northeast Scotland, on Nov. 7, 2019.Daniel Leal-Olivas/AFP/Getty Images

Certainly, the election of the United Kingdom is coming, which will take place on December 12. In this regard, it is estimated that this choice will be of great importance to the western world. And it is that the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union will be like the secession of California from the United States or British Columbia from Canada, a very serious blow.

Likewise, it is also estimated that the United Kingdom’s return to close cooperation with the United States and Canada would allow three of the G7 countries to join forces, with a combined GDP more than double that of China, substantially greater than the EU continues and with better economic growth.

In this way, it is understood that such a change will provide a reliable barometer of public policies that point away from fetishist globalism towards realism in alliances, capitalist economy and Anglo-American Values in general.

Letters on the table

It is necessary to talk about the panorama of this election, therefore, it is important to talk about the options that will be on the table. Thus, it is understood that the British political parties are an unusually mixed heterogeneous mixture.

On the one hand there is the Brexit Party, which seeks to discard the agreement of Prime Minister Boris Johnson and “collapse”, as the detractors of that policy call it, not to pay a cent to Europe on departure and also not be in a hurry to rush into a free trade agreement with Europe. On the other hand, there is the Conservative Party, which rules dimly, obviously supporting Johnson’s agreement with Brussels: Brexit, but a free trade agreement quite similar to that of Canada with the EU. In addition, there is the official Labor Party of the opposition that seeks a second referendum, but it is not decided what result it wants from it. And finally the Liberal Democrats, who have been a split party during the last two elections and most of their history in the last 90 years, have revived as the respectable way to vote, to scrap Brexit completely, cancel Clause 50 and stay in the EU: the referendum never took place.

This election has the character of French or even Israeli multiparty elections, but in the first past — the base of the electoral district.

Source: Conrad Black | National Post 

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