
Friday, 15 November 2019

RMC monument to honour those who served in Afghanistan

A new light armoured vehicle monument to honour those who served in Afghanistan is seen at Royal Military College on Friday. The monument will be dedicated and its plaque unveiled at 1:30 p.m. on Remembrance Day. (Steph Crosier/The Whig-Standard)

A new monument at Royal Military College will remind its visitors that veterans of the War in Afghanistan live and work amongst us and should not be forgotten.

“It’s about service and sacrifice in Afghanistan,” said retired brigadier-general Fred Lewis, who was part of the class of 1980 that brought the monument to RMC in honour of its 35th reunion in 2015. “One hundred and fifty-nine members of the Canadian Armed Forces gave their lives in that conflict.”

The monument is a decommissioned, third-generation light armoured vehicle once used by the Canadian Forces, purchased from Canada Company’s LAV III Monument Program. While it was never used in Afghanistan, it was likely used for training and domestic operations, Lewis said.

“I think people, once they know that the LAV is there, I think veterans of Afghanistan will often come and reflect on it,” Lewis said. “The message to the cadets at the college is that they’re about to join the profession of arms.

“If you look around at many of the other monuments that are on the college grounds, you kind of come away with the feeling that war was fought in black and white … and that it doesn’t really happen in the modern day. I think the LAV, because it is from a recent conflict, sends that message to cadets.”

The monument is located at the corner of Precision Drive and Billy Bishop Road on the RMC peninsula. On Monday at 1:30 p.m., there will be a parade at the monument to officially dedicate it and to unveil its plaque, which reads as follows:

“From 2001 to 2004, over 40,000 soldiers served in Afghanistan, a large number coming from the Kingston Garrison and the Royal Military College; 159 Canadian Armed Forces members gave their lives.

“The ‘LAV’ was the most ubiquitous Canadian combat system of that conflict, known to ordinary Canadians by its acronym and praised by soldiers for its mobility, protection and firepower.”

Honouring those who served in Afghanistan has extra meaning to Lewis because he was once part of the parades that would send the fallen back home to Canada. He served in Kandahar as the deputy commander of the Canadian task force during the second rotation, which ran from summer 2006 to March 2007.

Too many times he stood in front of the media in Kandahar to announce that a Canadian soldier had been killed or severely injured.

“Subsequently, I was generally the guy out on the ramp on the airfield as we gathered upwards of 2,000 soldiers from dozens of countries as we put a Canadian flag on a coffin and delivered that coffin, often in the back of a LAV, to a Canadian Forces Hercules aircraft to fly back home,” Lewis said. “It very much as resonance for me.”

Lewis will be speaking at the service along with retired major-general David Fraser, who commanded Operation Medusa in southern Afghanistan. Lewis is encouraging anyone interested to make the trip to the college for the ceremony.

Looking back on how ordinary Canadians lined the Highway of Heroes and filled overpasses when fallen soldiers came home from Afghanistan, Lewis guessed that many residents with no affiliation to the military will likely attend.

“I think the ordinary Canadian has some pretty strong feelings about the Armed Forces and what the Armed Forces do, and this LAV is a symbol of it,” Lewis said. “Some people think Remembrance Day is just our grandfathers and our great-grandfathers. Well, it’s not. It may be your brother, your sister, your parents and your neighbour. It’s far more recent… and the world is not a terribly peaceful place right now.”

Source: Steph Crosier | The Kingston Whig-Standard

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