
Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Trudeau Liberals will turn on the spending taps to get, keep opposition support in minority parliament

It should be noted that after cordial meetings with the leader of the Québec block Yves-François Blanchet and the leader of the PND Jagmeet Singh last week, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau clearly has the green light to move forward on an agenda focused on the fight against climate change, spending a lot on infrastructure and implementing pharmaceutical products.

Therefore, it is understood that this agenda will lead to deficits. But liberals don’t care about deficits anymore, and the federal NDP and Bloc never did. In this way, it has been said that we are going to party as if it were 1972.

Likewise, it should be noted that this was the year in which Pierre Trudeau’s liberals were reduced from majority to minority government, dependent to survive the David Lewis NDP.

Things that have not changed at all

Today, as in 1972, liberals must spend to survive. In addition, they know that the route to obtain the majority in the next elections is to obtain seats in Ontario and Quebec (the West is a cancellation) and the best way to win those seats is by spending.

Without a doubt, it is necessary to mention that it is an important priority to fight and adapt to climate change. This will include an annual increase of $ 3 billion in funds for public transportation; a program to plant two billion trees in 10 years; thousands of new charging stations for electric vehicles; greater financial incentives to buy such vehicles; loans and grants to make households more energy efficient; and a national flood insurance program.

In a way, liberals are committed to large investments to improve the quality of life of indigenous peoples in Canada, including major infrastructure investments. They also promise more generous student scholarships and loans; financial support for homebuyers for the first time; almost universal high-speed internet access by 2026; and a fixed link between Newfoundland and Labrador.

Conservatives, of course, will condemn all this. But until the party discovers its priorities and the future of its leader, no one will listen.

Source: John Ibbitson | The Globe and Mail

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