Apparently, the U.S. president Donald Trump, bet everything for friendship with Kim Jong, who is the supreme leader of North Korea. Likewise, Trump sought to flatter his new friend in Singapore when he received an unusual compliment.
It is already well known that Kim rules North Korea with an iron fist and a disregard for human rights. In fact, it is considered that what he has achieved is due to his birth, being that hard work is not involved. Even so, Trump’s choice of praise for his new negotiating partner, conveyed by a person familiar with the conversation, reflects the determination of the president of the United States to flatter his path towards nuclear peace in Asia.
So, while embarking on a second summit meeting with Kim in Hanoi, it seems that Trump is really prepared to employ the same tactics while looking for a concrete roadmap for the denuclearization of North Korea. Likewise, it should be noted that before the formal talks begin on Thursday, the two men will have a small dinner with only a select number of helpers. This would be an intimate beginning to a balanced summit in the most improbable diplomatic friendship, perhaps, of the world.