
Monday, 11 February 2019

Juan Guaido says Venezuela's opposition is 'not going anywhere'

Juan Guaido, leader of Venezuela's opposition, spoke at a meeting of the Confederation of Associations of Agricultural Producers of Venezuela in Caracas. He told the assembled farmers he would help them rebuild the countryside. (Carlos Garcia Rawlins/Reuters)

Juan Guaidó is a Venezuelan engineer and politician, current president of the National Assembly of Venezuela and partially recognized as president in charge of Venezuela.

On January 23, 2019, an open meeting was held in Caracas where he was sworn in as president in charge of Venezuela. After that, around 50 countries have expressed their recognition of Guaido as president in charge of the republic, while about half a dozen have expressed their support for the National Assembly as “the only legitimate power.”

The leader of the Venezuelan opposition was relatively unknown even in his own country when he was pushed into the international spotlight. But even so, Guaido affirms that despite the risks involved in assuming President Nicolás Maduro, he is not backing down.

A leader who works to help his country

In fact, after being sworn in and recognized by various nations, Guaido has taken on the task of searching for possible solutions for his nation. Being that, from February 1, 2019, Guaidó has announced an amnesty law passed by the National Assembly for the police, the army and the authorities that help to restore constitutional order. Likewise, it announced a sector by sector plan, called Plan País, for the revitalization of the country, with attention to those most affected by poverty. In addition, Guaido has secured the shipment to Venezuela of humanitarian aid from the United States and announced plans for international shipments and convoys. And as if that were not enough, Guaido gained control of Venezuela’s financial accounts in the United States and worked to secure other foreign assets.

In February 2019, he joined Venezuela, more precisely the interim government of Juan Guaidó to the Lima Group. Which is a multilateral instance that was established after the so-called Lima Declaration. This has the purpose of following up and seeking a peaceful solution to the crisis in Venezuela.

Likewise, Guaido has assured that the Venezuelan opposition “is not going anywhere”. In such a way, Guaido was in his alma mater, the Andrés Bello Catholic University, on Wednesday to speak with a group of farmers. There I assure the frustrated farmers that he will work with them to restore the field. And specifically in this meeting was specifically addressed how to improve the country’s food supply. The training engineer has become a high profile politician, followed by journalists, fans and selfies hunters.

There are those who have already said that Guaido has a certain quality similar to that of Obama, something that his supporters seem to perceive.

Source: CBC News

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