
Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Warship rejected by DND years ago will now be the backbone of Canada's future navy

A representation of the BAE Systems Type 26 Global Combat Ship. BAE Systems

The warship that will form the backbone of the country’s future maritime force had previously been rejected by the Canadian defense department. In fact, it was rejected years ago under the argument that it was not able to meet the needs of the navy.

DND was in charge of rejecting the warship years ago.

Despite this, even this ship will be used. Being that on Friday, the Liberal government announced that it had signed a contract with Irving Shipbuilding to acquire new warships. These would be based on the Type 26 design that is being built in the United Kingdom. Although, the defense department pointed out that the Type 26 design could be modified for Canadian needs, however “the technical and program risk would be high”.

Likewise, Carla Qualtrough, who is the procurement minister, said in the announcement that Type 26 meets Canadian requirements and that the government considers it the best design for the marina. While government officials say the design will be modified for Canadian needs, and ultimately, 15 of the boats will be built on the $ 60 billion Canadian Surface Combatant program.

Modifications that would make Type 26 the most optimal option

As has already been mentioned, the DND previously would have rejected Type 26 some years ago since it did not fully satisfy the Canadian needs. And it is that the DND had its eye on Type 26 already in 2011, but refused to participate in the program, as well as any interest in the design. However, the DND also seriously considered joining the United Kingdom in the Type 26 program in 2010 and 2011 but decided not to do so due to the cost, risk, and potential of Canadian companies not getting enough work from a company joint.

However, an examination in Type 26 by the DND noted that the design could be modified for Canadian needs, but concluded that”the technical and program risk would be high”.

It should be noted that according to the announcement of the Liberal government, an initial investment of $ 185 million is foreseen for Irving Shipbuilding for design work in Type 26. In this way, the purchase of Canada is the most complex and costly government acquisition in country history, according to federal officials.

Source: David Pugliese, Ottawa Citizen | National Post

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