
Friday, 16 August 2019

FINALLY! Cracks in the façade of the mighty environmental industry machine, originating from a critical place – the inside

It has been said that the industry is under siege, being that it does not matter how much the world continues to require production. Modern climate activists are absolutely and perfectly and remarkably unable to detect their own overwhelming scent of irony and hypocrisy.

In this way, it is understood that suppliers of petroleum products have been waiting patiently for the world to come out of their hypnosis, to realize that the demands of climate activists in addition to the occasional politician, to immediately abandon fuels Fossils is a scenario of the end of the world for billions of people, at a massive cost time and for a cause that can be addressed in other ways. However, it has been indicated that the abyss in energy literacy between those who provide it and those who use it is astonishing, and no amount of fact-based comments seems to be able to penetrate the wall of fear and rhetoric of tastes that have been constructed.

The reality of the situation

Behold, it is really happening.

The filmmaker Michael Moore, described as a left-wing political activist and critic of capitalism (although expressing disdain for the phrase “political activist”), decided to investigate the world of alternative energy. His general question was: if alternative energy is so big and so easy, why don’t things improve on the front of climate change?

It should be noted that Moore did not shy away from the reality he found, which, as the producer said, “It was kind of crushing to discover that the things I believed in weren’t real, first of all, and then to discover not only are the solar panels and wind turbines not going to save us …… but (also) that there is this whole dark side of the corporate money… ”

Moore bravely bets on what is described as “the false promises of the environmental movement”. He challenged the most important names on the climate activist scene and came out surprisingly disappointed with his responses.

Without a doubt, this is an important milestone. That being the case, the world needs to see these cracks in the facade of the environmental movement before constructive progress can be made. His armor is so strong that the challenges had to come from within.

Source: Terry Etam | Public Energy Number One

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