The Green Party of Canada is a federal political party in Canada that was founded in 1983. Since its founding, the party has supported policies that strengthen environmental protection and participatory democracy. The party gradually increased its support over the decades. In 2006, Elizabeth May became the leader of the party. She was elected as her first member of Parliament (MP) in the 2011 general elections that represent the conduct of Saanich — Gulf Islands.
Elizabeth May is a Canadian policy born in the United States. May is the leader of the Green Party of Canada and member of the Saanich Parliament, Gulf Islands. Environmentalist, author, activist and lawyer, May served as Executive Director of the Sierra Club of Canada from 1989 to 2006.
Plan towards ‘the transition’
Now, the Green Leader Elizabeth May’s plan to ‘make the transition’ of the entire oil and gas industry workforce, without consulting them, is considered as terrifying
That’s right, during this week, Elizabeth May of the Green Party gave a lovely and thoughtful conference to the oil and gas workers of Canada, Marthas and Henry, all of them. She is going to “make the transition” of the work in which they are pleasantly (if they still have work) and professionally engaged, and that at this moment really exists; the work for which they have been trained and accumulated experience, and for which they receive real and current paychecks. They will be moved to a new line of work because Ms. May thinks it is better for them.
In this way, it has been indicated that in the context of Ms. May’s vision, it means that all work in the oil and gas industries, and the hundreds of industries and services that depend on it, will stop. It must stop. Alberta under his vision is killing the planet. That being the case, we cannot have arguments about the premise. But the highly regarded green leader wanted to emphasize that “workers in fossil fuel industries and fossil fuel-dependent communities not fear for their future.”
Source: Rex Murphy | National Post
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