
Thursday, 23 July 2020

Rex Murphy: The fall of CHAZistan will echo through history

A man who wished to remain anonymous is seen in the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) (later named the Capital Hill organized Protest, CHOP) in Seattle, Wash., on June 12, 2020. JASON REDMOND/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES

Without a doubt, the fall of CHAZistan is evident, which has been said to echo throughout history. And it is CHAZ, unfortunately, it no longer exists, such is the destiny of nations and dynasties. This being the case, it has been said that he has followed the path of the Habsburgs, the Romanovs, and the Hohenzollerns.

On the other hand, another set simply targeted more CHAZ-friendly climates or applied to Portland’s Antifa chapter for diplomatic immunity. A cadre of top management, most of its founders and stars, fearful of backlash from unremoved and abolished law enforcement authorities, have fled as a group to distant Idaho.

There it is presumed that they will assume new identities and, as revealed in a note left at CHAZ headquarters.

Absolute disappearance

Certainly, given what happened, various questions arise and one of them is clearly, why did this promising state disappear? A forceful answer could not be given, however, there are some tips available in the Twitter archives and some anonymous Facebook posts. The Capital Hill Autonomous Zone, to use its full mellifluous birth name, operated from the outset under cruel hardships and impositions.

There is no denying the fact that as the population of the six-block republic increased, there was a concurrent strain on the embryonic infrastructure. When you have a static number of Porta-Potties and a changing number of customers, at some point you face a crash. Then there was the inconsiderate, even hostile, behavior of people who claimed to be real “residents” and denied allegiance to the new authorities. In addition, there were many gloomy days when the blocked Chazistanis had to sneak “out of state”, that is, in the aforementioned Greater Seattle, to get vegan food or take their hands on a spring roll.

Likewise, it has been indicated that, consequently, it only remains to outline the fate of Solomon Samuel Simone, who is known by all for his AK-47 and his title of the leader as Raz Simone. And it is not necessary to leave aside the fact that he and his fellow pacifists provided security for the entire duration, and that in fact, like CHAZistan, it evaporated from all sight when closed.

Source: Rex Murphy | National Post

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