
Tuesday, 14 July 2020

Rex Murphy: In today's episode of WE, it's all in the family

Co-founders Craig, left, and Marc Kielburger introduce Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, second from right, and his wife Sophie Gregoire-Trudeau at a WE Charity event in Ottawa in 2015. ADRIAN WYLD/THE CANADIAN PRESS

It has been said that every misstep by the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, thus becomes a springboard for our improvement. Which is considered to be a good fact.

Now, the involvement of the Prime Minister and Kielburger Inc. was “unfortunate” and that is very sad. With reference to it, Canadians will learn a lot from this, as we did during the Aga Khan and SNC-Lavalin mess affair.

Undeniably, the WE business is a scandal. But it is a scandal within a larger and more enduring one like the elimination of Parliament during this nearly four-month shutdown of COVID-19. And it is considered that Trudeau, with the cynical compliance of the leader of the PND, Jagmeet Singh, his partner also tailor-made in this matter, threw down the Parliament, secretly and gutted him. In a way, as a result, Trudeau’s minority has had the least questioned, least analyzed, and most costly administration by the press in decades. The front-end loaders take the money away every morning when Trudeau descends the steps and enters the Commons Shop into the group of scribes under his shadow.

Shield for government

Without a doubt, COVID-19 has been a shield for the Trudeau government. And it could be said that it has exploited the coverage that has clearly given them the perfect freedom to completely ignore the customs and procedures of parliamentary democracy. Under that mere license, it has exhausted the treasury, has increased the deficit to $ 343 billion, and the national debt to $ 1.2 trillion. With the historical amounts coming out, and no one is really controlling it, it’s not hard to see how Trudeau could make a fleeting announcement more casually.

In addition, it has been said that everything has become so casual, so normal, why it is almost robotic. Without Parliament, that is what happens. And it is that the government begins to feel that it is only a private matter. Hence, there is no mystery, no puzzle as some suggest, as to why Trudeau did not consider the appropriateness of allocating nearly a billion dollars to the Kielburgers for dispersal.

It is not surprising, either, that there was not the slightest breeze of thought that this could be, was a shameless conflict of interest and first-rate cronyism. Let Parliament fall, and let all moderation, all questioning, all prudence, and leave uninhibited the instincts of a prime minister who equals what he thinks is progressing, what he feels like politics, and everything is legal, laudable, not be scrutinized and wonderful.

There is no mystery here at all. Things are so nice in government these days, so casual and indisputable, the prime minister so comfortable in his government to the cabin lifestyle, something like that was bound to happen.

Source: Rex Murphy | National Post

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