
Friday, 5 July 2019

Bloomberg sings island’s praises in New York

High profile executives, Michael Bloomberg, and Brian Duperreault highlighted Bermuda’s value to global business and the United States and offered a dynamic launch yesterday to a large-capacity Bermuda Executive Forum in New York.

In this way, they joined David Burt, the Premier, for the “informal talk” of the event, an informal and powerful discussion that addressed geopolitics, leadership styles, industry trends and the advantages that Bermuda gives to the companies that look for security. Stable, diverse and innovative jurisdictions.

Thus, it is worth noting that the session was the highlight of a day full of information panels that show the experience of the Bermuda market in countless sectors of the industry and that attract an audience of 350 executives and investors to the center of the industrial city, near Times Square.

Successfully organized series

It is necessary to say that the forum was the fifth of a successful series organized in different cities by the Business Development Agency of Bermuda.

Clearly, more than 40 speakers on the island, including government, industry and regulatory leaders, described global trends and the unique combination of factors that distinguish Bermuda as the jurisdiction of choice for global business.

Likewise, the forum counted with moderate panels of experts in the key industries of Bermuda, from insurance and asset management to trusts, family offices, and fintech, as well as network opportunities. The historical and mutually beneficial relationship of the island with the United States was the common theme in all discussions.

The main speech of the forum was the TED speaker, the award-winning entrepreneur and author Jared Kleinert, who got involved with the audience with a talk about millennials and how they view careers, risks, and achievements. In addition, numerous meetings and business development presentations were also held during the forum, which ended with a reception of networks.

Source: The Royal Gazette

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