
Friday, 26 July 2019

More millennials base dating decisions on property-buying prospects than looks, survey suggests

Christina Crowley-Arklie, right, is shown with husband, Andrew Arklie, and their two-year-old son, Blake. Shared goals about owning property were a big part of what brought the couple together early into dating. (Haley Gill/HG Photography)

Millennials, also known as Generation Y, are the demographic cohort that follows Generation X and Generation Z above. Researchers and popular media use the first years of the 1980s as the beginning of the birth years and from the mid-1990s to the beginning of 2000 as the end of the birth years.

Millennials’ characteristics vary by region and person, and the group experiences a variety of social and economic conditions, but they are generally marked by their age of majority. In the information age, they feel comfortable in the use of digital technologies and social media.

Now, according to surveys, more millennials base dating decisions on property buying prospects than appearances.

Canadian millennials are more likely to choose a future partner based on shared aspirations to buy a home than in a good appearance.

Beyond a good appearance

According to the survey, only 2.8% said that appearance was the most important quality, while in comparison, 12.7% mentioned that the properties were the best.

Thus, beyond the bricks and appearances, a survey commissioned by HSBC found that only 2.8 percent of respondents said that appearance was their main consideration when choosing who to date, compared to 12.7 per One hundred who said that a property-related quality topped his list.

Of course, the objectives of homeownership and ownership were not the only things that millennials chose as their number 1 priority when it comes to the dating group.

And of the 1,077 Canadian adults who completed the online survey, conducted by the Toluna research firm between November 11 and December 5, 2018, 26.8 percent of respondents said that shared interests and hobbies they are what they most seek in a possible partner, followed by intelligence, at 16.9 percent, and sense of humor, at 14.1 percent.

In addition, it is important to mention that the common financial objectives, in general, were also classified with 11.3 percent.

The shared goals about the type of home they would have together and their location were the most important thing for 9.9 percent of respondents: things like living in a condominium in front of a house, or in the city in front of the country.

Source: Brandie Weikle | CBC News

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